Con Cora Actions to Close the Tour: Final Stop in Madrid

In alignment with the Con Cora Latam Tour, the foundation’s presence in Madrid, Spain, continued its commitment and support. On July 19th, in collaboration with the Colombian Consulate in Spain, a Con Cora gathering was held, involving Colombian women and young people who are survivors of human trafficking and the Colombian armed conflict, who had emigrated to Spain in search of a better future.

During this event, the foundation created a space where these women could share their experiences, allowing us to learn more about their backgrounds and the challenges they have overcome. Activities were conducted that focused on empowerment, emotional strengthening, and the development of personal and professional skills.

To conclude the event, they were invited to attend the Mañana Será Bonito Tour, in recognition of the courage and determination they have shown in facing obstacles. This invitation was intended not only to provide them with a moment of joy and celebration but also to acknowledge their resilience and continuous effort to build a better life. The Con Cora Actions in Madrid emphasize the importance of these spaces, allowing us to better understand the realities faced by Colombian migrant women and fostering a sense of community among them.

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