It’s a reality! Women Ink will host its second edition in Madrid

Madrid, España (july 15 – 19) In – person modality

From July 15th to 19th, we will host the second edition of Women Ink in Madrid, Spain. This program, whose first edition took place in Medellín and focused on training women in vulnerable situations in the art of tattooing, is being held again in collaboration with Javi Cinco Ángeles Tattoo (@javicincoangeles_tattoo) and Juan Ramón RC Tattoo (@rcjuanramon), who will teach the intensive course.

This time, the workshop is aimed at women aged 22 to 40 who reside in Madrid, are economically vulnerable, possess artistic skills, and have a strong interest in tattooing.

If you meet these requirements and are interested in enrolling, you can do so here!

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