Mujer Segura: Four Dates for Self-Care and the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Spain’s capital was the final stage where the Con Cora Foundation carried out the Mujer Segura campaign, accompanying the Mañana Será Bonito Tour of its founder, Karol G.

In collaboration with the Colombian Consulate in Spain, a gender-based violence awareness initiative was conducted for the attendees. This initiative was crucial in commemorating July 20th, Colombian Independence Day, providing information and special attention to Colombian women who needed it during the concert.

Additionally, in this edition, the RESPECT NATION campaign joined Mujer Segura to create a safe and respectful environment, emphasizing the importance of self-care and the prevention of any form of violence.

The Mujer Segura campaign not only focused on raising awareness but also on providing resources and support to women, highlighting the importance of an environment free from violence and harassment. The impact of Mujer Segura in Madrid was significant, leaving a positive mark on the community and reaffirming the Con Cora Foundation’s commitment to the protection and empowerment of women worldwide.

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