MSB Fest in Medellín was a space cared for by everyone
On December 1 and 2, our campaign “Another Vibra, Another Environment” at ‘Mañana Sera Bonito Fest’ in Medellín collected 7.8 Tons of Reusable Waste.
This sustainability initiative focused on promoting eco-responsible practices through experiences that sought the collection of usable waste and raising awareness among attendees to adopt recycling during and after the MSB Fest Medellín. The initial goal was to collect at least 6 tons of usable waste, a goal that we exceeded by reaching 7.8 tons.
To achieve this, we equip the space with Ecobox boxes located at strategic points of the festival, aiming to recycle materials and encourage the active participation of attendees. On the first day, we placed 40 containers of 1100 liters, differentiated by color for classifying ordinary waste (black) and usable waste (white). On the second day, we expanded this capacity to 50 containers, with trained personnel to guide attendees in properly separating waste .
In addition, to promote waste separation among event attendees, we implemented 250 strategically distributed ecological points and generated 612 jobs because we had the support of ‘the Emvarias Environmental Multipliers’, who helped attendees classify their waste correctly, provided them with information about separation, and transmitted environmental awareness messages.
This campaign was carried out with the support of Emvarias, a company belonging to the EPM Group. Emvarias helped us distribute waste properly and raised awareness among staff and attendees.
To learn more about this campaign’s environmental indicators and impact indices, click here.