
The Con Cora Foundation was established to continue Karol G’s social work and mission to support women in vulnerable conditions. We foster empowerment by providing comprehensive support to women who lead households, at-risk youth, children facing chronic or disabling diseases, those dealing with teenage pregnancy, women deprived of liberty and post-penalty, as well as low-income women. Our support spans across social, economic, artistic, psychological, and spiritual avenues.


Our purpose is aimed at improving their lives, developing their artistic talents, promoting positive behavior, increasing their confidence, skills and self-esteem, which will help them strengthen their environment and their opportunities.

We are a second-level foundation; this means that we analyze, protect, measure and relate to entities that share our same objectives and visions in favor of women in vulnerable conditions. To create these alliances, we study social needs at a systemic level, defining agendas and evaluate progress by projects.

Our symbol, a barbed heart, reflects our founder Karol G and has been chosen to represent the fusion of our qualities and purposes. It stands as an armored, empowered, and unwavering heart, committed to aiding and supporting other women.

Despite its strength, it remains a heart brimming with love, sensitivity, desires, dreams, and wishes – a core we protect and tirelessly work towards, promoting unity and empathy to bring these aspirations to life.

Our Pillars

Cultivating a sisterhood marked by empathy, particularly in our collective efforts toward empowerment and equality.


Maintaining a durable camraderie among women, dedicated to our shared causes.

Feminine loyalty

Fostering the skill to step into the shoes of fellow women, ensuring a profound understanding and connection.


Championing freedom in our thoughts and decisions, empowering women to express themselves authentically.


Recognizing the needs of women and offering unwavering support without expecting anything in return.
